September 1st Theme Day: Street Lights and Signs |

I choose the traffic sign since I posted the street light few months back. I found this stop sign very interesting with 2 public opinions posted in this traffic sign. If you notice there is small sticker from "who support", and graffiti added word "war" on this traffic sign.
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Great pic. I saw lots of these signs in West LA when I stayed with my friend there in March 2003....also "Stop Bush" was quite popular .
I like your photo--very stark, a great contrast between light and dark. The competing lines and angles are fascinating to look at. :)
I like this in in black & white. It's a strong message!
Well spotted! And excellent picture.
Brilliant! Both photo and subject.
This is impact. A very good shot!
The most original photo of the theme day ... In reading your comments I see, from Sally, that this sort of statement is common in LA ... I guess I have missed the obvious protest sign because personally this is the first "stop war" sign I have seen ... In Greenville the form of protest is normally a peace rally
A great way to illustrate our Theme Day.
denton - WEST LA! there's a diffeence between ;iberal, middle class West LA and much of the rest of LA!!!
I agree with Peter. It really does impact the viewer. Great take on the Theme Day.
Nice photo.
Sadly more vandalism that you and the rest of us tax payers will ultimately pay for to get cleaned up. This trend went through my neighborhood several times now. I'm curious how much extra I'm paying to have the spray paint removed or the sign replaced. There are better ways to get a message across than this.
Excellant photo!
Excellent and greeat message!
I've seen some of these around Joplin, mostly of the "Stop Bush" variety. Great shot!
A perfect sign in my book! Great choice for today, and wonderful shot! Having it in Black and White is very effective.
I think I would just ignore the graffiti and STOP before going through the fence!
What can one say. The photo says it all.
The black and white is far more dramatic than it would be in colour. Good capture.
The dripping effect of "War" is very pronounced and surely reminds all who sees it of the blood spilled.
and that pretty much describes the sentiment on that war.....sigh. nice shot.
Great photo. I always wonder why some people think that just because you want to stop the war means you don't support the troops.
The decision to go to war and continue the war is a political decision and doesn't mean that you are supporting the troops either.
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