This is a quadruple-deck sight-seeing vessel that cruise on Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie. It operates from Cleveland's North Coast Inner Harbor at E. 9th Street Pier, next to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Great Lakes Science Center
(No doubt displaying my ignorance), but I have never assumed that Cleveland would have yachts. I always assumed that it was an inland city, and without a major river.
Great photo and thanks for teaching me something new.
I like this photo...there's something surreal about it; like in one of those old Italian movies; don't know why I think that, but I mean this in a positive way!
Most people would have shot this in color. Using such clear, sharp B&W emphasizes shape and space to very good effect. I like the very out of focus office tower in the background.
Babooshka: How? I stood in edge of pier before the vessel left the port. Where? it was in E. 9th St right behind of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in downtown Cleveland. Thanks.
How and where did you take this. It's a rilliant low angle. Stick to b&w you do them just perfectly
(No doubt displaying my ignorance), but I have never assumed that Cleveland would have yachts. I always assumed that it was an inland city, and without a major river.
Great photo and thanks for teaching me something new.
I like this photo...there's something surreal about it; like in one of those old Italian movies; don't know why I think that, but I mean this in a positive way!
Most people would have shot this in color. Using such clear, sharp B&W emphasizes shape and space to very good effect. I like the very out of focus office tower in the background.
Thank you guys for all your comments.
Babooshka: How? I stood in edge of pier before the vessel left the port. Where? it was in E. 9th St right behind of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in downtown Cleveland. Thanks.
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